Climate Bridges
As you can learn from watching our Chairman’s videos and reading his books, Net Zero Carbon offers no solutions for defeating climate change or global warming in the 21st century. The endless debate between climate hysteria and climate hoax advocates must stop. Arguing solely for political advantage must stop. Advocating silly and potentially dangerous proposals must stop. We believe we are the global leaders in climate change strategy. How can we credibly make that claim? Because we offer actual solutions to slow and reverse rising ocean coastlines. We offer actual solutions to stop desertification and biodiversity loss. And most importantly, our solutions are designed to make money on global warming. We believe our solutions can pay for defeating climate change, pay off our national debts, and fund social entitlements into perpetuity. Our climate change strategies can also end crime, homelessness and provide hope for an exhausted planet and populations. Global warming is the biggest economic opportunity for our Nation since the Louisiana Purchase. Similar opportunities await the rest of the World to embrace.
In addition to our published works and content, as discussed throughout this website, we offer the following solutions for defeating climate change and global warming. We invite you to challenge and add to our data models. We also invite you to join us to implement our solutions and strategies, and offer geographic and operational tactics.
Building Fjords and Salt Marshes In The Great Deserts
To understand climate change, the fact that climate change is very real, and that net zero carbon can never defeat climate change, we must begin with understanding the evolution of the planet and the evolution of humanity. Before there was life on the planet, the planet evolved geologically. The continents, oceans, mountain ranges, mountain glaciers, polar ice, deserts, rivers, ocean coastlines, islands, and open lands evolved to form the geological “footprint” of the planet. Then life began and plants and animals of all kinds and species evolved to eventually form the global, regional, and local ecosystems covering the planet. These geological and natural ecosystems evolved over millions of years, resulting in the footprint of the pre-human planet. This pre-human footprint also included such things as the natural carbon cycle, photosynthesis cycle, and hydration cycles of the planet.
Then humans entered and evolved much faster than the ancient geological and natural ecosystems could adapt. As humans began digging out groundwater, chopping down forests, tilling grasslands for agriculture, and paving over all types of vegetation, the natural planetary carbon, photosynthesis, and hydration cycles that had evolved over millions of years were dramatically reduced, and are now collapsing. As we all know, photosynthesis consumes carbon. Furthermore, the pre-human planet footprint obviously had no humans; nor did it have companies, governments and entities of all kinds all competing for and consuming the planet’s natural resources without much consideration for giving back to the planet. Today there are 8 billion people and headed to 10 billion on the planet all competing for the planet’s natural resources. There are tens of thousands of companies, governments, and other organizations all vying for the best of the planet’s resources. Compare the pre-human planetary footprint to the current day planetary footprint and you can understand why climate change is very real and why a desperate attempt at reducing greenhouse gas emissions will never approach the scale of what human activities have done over thousands of years to the natural carbon, photosynthesis, and hydration cycles and ecosystems.
Our plans to defeat climate change begin with pumping ocean water into salt basins that already exist in deserts and arid regions around the World. In the US, these salt basins reside primarily in the Great Basin, located in the Western US. Our plans begin with building fjords in Nevada and primarily salt marshes in Utah, although some fjords will also be built in Utah. Eventually, fjords and salt marshes will likely extend from southern Oregon and Idaho into Mexico and from Death Valley to West Texas.
Climate change can never be defeated until these planetary cycles and ecosystems are stabilized and a new equilibrium balancing the planet and humanity is established. The planet is trying to reach this new equilibrium on its own, resulting in great volatility in weather around the World. If we can help the planet replace what has been lost, the planet will heal itself and establish a new planetary footprint with a balanced equilibrium between the planet and humanity for the ages. Building fjords and salt marshes in the World’s deserts can help the planet replace what has been lost and establish a new planetary footprint and equilibrium between the planet and humanity by:
- Replacing thousands of years and billions of acres of lost vegetation with forgotten but newly hydrated desert and arid lands, and;
- Transferring melted polar and glacier ice from the oceans to salt basins and arid lands, and recharging aquifers and other land based watersheds.
Over the past several years, there have been studies prepared by different authors on the transfer of water into deserts in the Southwest to save the Great Salt Lake, the Colorado River, and other drought-stricken areas. All these studies were unfairly assigned to their respective authors because they excluded the two most important points from the outset of the assignments. These two missing points were:
- No new revenues were to be created from these projects. They would only incur costs.
- No consideration was given to defeating global climate change as part of these projects.
Conversely, our strategy lays the foundation for the Nation’s biggest economic and social opportunities since the Louisiana Purchase and is the only physically possible way to defeat climate change.
Drone Boats With Industrial Chillers
We are currently conducting research to begin the establishment of a Florida based, then migrate nationally, the development of an emergency ocean coastal and inland water temperature platform, similar to a 911 platform. The emergency response team(s) will use drone boats outfitted with industrial chillers designed to cool the waters to provide bridges over emergency heat moments. Targeted applications include but will not be limited to cooling oyster and clam beds, cooling coral reefs, cooling salmon and trout streams and other biodiversity habitats. We plan to investigate sailing our drone boat chiller fleet in advance of hurricane pathways to cool the waters in front of the hurricane. We will also investigate cooling “king tide” waters to suppress water levels due to the fact that ocean waters volume expands as they warm, in a process called thermal expansion.
Additional areas of our research applying our drone boats include the following:
- Open ocean and river transports built similarly but as an alternative to conventional trucking tractor trailer units. Our planned drone boats will be built to accommodate a traditional single trailer, will be electric powered, and solar recharging over unlimited distances. We believe the era of globalization is coming to an end and will be replaced with regional economic blocs. This economic regionalization will dramatically reduce the need for large ocean going cargo ships carrying thousands of containers. We believe our drone shipping boats can rebirth a river shipping industry, reduce Interstate Highway traffic, and satisfy contemporary EV trucking goals without disrupting the current trucking industry. Furthermore, many Global South Nations already use their river systems for a large share of their shipping and overall transportation industries. As globalization is replaced with regionalization, these river transportation systems will become even more important. Our drone boats will also have minimal draft needs and will safely operate in shallow waters. This capability will continue to become more important as climate change dries up the great rivers of the World.
- Because our drone boats will be electric powered, and solar recharging over unlimited distances, they will be built to stay in open oceans into perpetuity. We plan to use these capabilities to search for, shadow, film, and disclose to the World in documentaries, the illegal fishing, lumber harvesting, illegal drugs and their raw materials transports, and other illegal ocean going activities taking place every day around the World. We also plan to conduct similar drone boat operations to track the main contributors of ocean pollution, especially focusing on the South China Sea, where the vast majority of ocean pollution passes through to the rest of the World. These documentaries will eventually become content for our media company – LBC.
- Eradication of invasive species.
- In partnership with our synthetics biologics investee, Macro Biologics, (see JMM Institute) we believe we can remediate many of the major pollutants plaguing the oceans.
- Platform equipment and infrastructure for serving and building “The Blue Economy”
- Military Applications and Global Strategies – We believe our drone boats will have tremendous military applications for both the US and other countries around the World. We also believe our plans to export Building Fjords In The Great Deserts has significant military strategic applications. We are happy to discuss our military applications plans for our drone boats, as well as our other drones, and other military strategies under a traditional Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
The Oceans and Deserts Stock Exchange
We believe Building Fjords in the Great Deserts will become the great economic drivers of the next decade and throughout the remainder of this century. We plan to launch a new stock exchange dedicated to financing this economic transformation. This stock exchange will begin with an ocean water import credit option/insurers exchange to replace current carbon credits platforms which we believe will prove to be worthless. This new stock exchange will be global and will recruit local country analysts and representatives.
Review our listing of current and future climate change products and services.